Moon image ©Ed Steven

The BU University Library

Welome to the Buggarup University Library, domain of Paul, Libwolf Librarian. Unlike the UU Library, where the Librarian is an oranguatan (NOT A MONKEY), BU University has a Werewolf Librarian, otherwise known as the Libwolf.

Buggarup University is a email discussion group for australian fans of Terry Pratchett's Discworld series of books. Well, that is how it started out. Now if is a group for people who like Terry Pratchett's books, but will talk about anything, argue with everybody, and speak english. Well, the Amercians claim it is English, but I am yet to be convinced.

Now, this site, unlike the main guild site, is purely for the Library, and the Librarian, who has an unpleasent habit of inflitcting the list with stories, some of which take months to finish.  If ever.   So he's decided (well I decided, and I'm the Librarian when he's not being the Librarian) to post them on a site of his own. Well, here it is.

As Australia is the best place in the world, many people want to visit.  Here is a tourist guide to Australia, and it is fairly accurate.

 Occasionaly the melbourne members of BU University (Melbournites? Melbourners? Mellers?) meet for a chat, gossip, and teasing Matt. The webpage for the Mel Meets is here

Each Week, we have a Saturday morning chat.  Click  here for the page.

Recently the Libwolf was called Wolfie. After several attempted assassinations, it was accepted, but at the risk of their own neck. It prompted this filk which was written by Trina, a melmeeter.
Carpe Cervisia.
This was the first work the Group worked on. It hasn't been touched for months, but is it pretty good.
This is a weird one, and I'm not quite sure why I actually wrote it.
Werewolf Nights.
Exians in Ankh-Morpork
I've temporarily abandoned this one, and I have started on a new one.
I wondered what affects the Exians in Ankh-Morpork would cause, so I set out to try and see.


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